M&G Industries Inc.


Chain Shackles Bolt Type

Chain Shackles Bolt Type


Conversion Calculator
Chain Shackles Bolt Type - Galvanized
Size (A) Work Load Limit
in Tons
Bolt Diameter
in Inches (B)
Approx. Weight
Each in Pounds
1/2" 2 5/8 .91 1.69 .81 1.25
5/8" 3-1/4 3/4 1.72 2.09 1.09 1.53
3/4" 4-3/4 7/8 2.7 2.44 1.28 1.81
7/8" 6-1/2 1 3.94 2.94 1.47 2.13
1" 8-1/2 1-1/8 5.75 3.25 1.69 2.38
1-1/8" 9-1/2 1-1/4 8.0 3.56 1.84 2.69
1-1/4" 12 1-3/8 10.5 3.94 2.00 2.94
1-3/8" 13-1/2 1-1/2 13.1 4.50 2.25 3.34
1-1/2" 17 1-5/8 18.3 5.00 2.31 3.63
1-3/4" 25 2 29.3 6.00 2.88 4.13
2" 35 2-1/4 44.3 7.00 3.25 4.75
2-1/2" 55 2-3/4 94 8.50 4.25 5.75
3" 85 3-1/4 160 9.44 4.88 6.38
3-1/2" 120 3-3/4 250 5.50 5.50 7.75

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