M&G Industries Inc.


6x19 Wire Rope

Bright 6x19 Class Wire Rope

6x25 Filler Wire with Fiber Core
6x25 Filler Wire with IWRC
6x26 Warrington Seale with IWRC
6x19 Seale with IWRC
Conversion Calculator
Bright 6x19 Class Wire Rope
Size Rope Diameter
Fiber Core (IPS) IWRC (EIPS)
Approx. Weight per Foot in Pounds
Breaking Strength in Pounds
Approx. Weight per Foot in Pounds Breaking Strength in Pounds
1/4"  .105 5,480 .116 6,800 
5/16"  .164 8,520 .18 10,540
3/8"  .236 12,200 .26 15,100
7/16"  .32 16,540 .35 20,400
1/2" .42 21,400 .46 26,600
9/16" .53 27,000 .59 33,600
5/8" .66 33,400 .72 41,200
3/4" .95 47,600 1.04 58,800
7/8" 1.29 64,400 1.42 79,600
1" 1.68 83,600 1.85 103,400
1-1/8" 2.13 105,200 2.34 130,000
1-1/4" 2.63 129,200 2.89 159,800
1-3/8" 3.18 155,400 3.50 192,000
1-1/2" 3.78 184,000 4.16 228,000
1-5/8" 4.44 214,000 4.88 264,000
1-3/4" 5.15 248,000 5.67 306,000
2" 6.72 320,000 7.39 348,000
2-1/4" 8.51 400,000 9.36 494,000
2-1/2"  10.50 488,000 11.6 604,000
2-3/4" 12.70  584,000 14.0 722,000
3" 15.10 685,000 16.6 850,000

Sizes above 2" are typically available on a special order basis.

All materials produced according to federal specifications RR-W-410D & RR-W-410E, preformed, right regular lay.

Read important warnings and information on this website, titled Safety and Information.

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